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100% Italian pasta: consumption in strong growth. Export record for the sector

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100% Italian pasta: consumption in strong growth. Export record for the sector


Consumption of products in this segment increased both in volume (23.1%) and even more in value (+28.5%) in the first six months of the year.

Beyond the boom during the lockdown period, it should not be forgotten that the slow but steady reduction in domestic consumption continued in 2019 and that more than half of the sector's turnover is generated abroad. In fact, in 2019, "the 0.7% annual increase in Italian households' spending on semolina pasta - Ismea notes - is due exclusively to the increase in average consumer prices (+2%), while volumes were down by 1.4%". However, the 100% Italian pasta is bucking the trend, a segment that in 2019 recorded an increase of about 13% both in volume and value; "even more consistent growth in the first half of the year, both in volume (23.1%) and even more in value (+28.5%)". With a market share that rose from 17% in 2018 to 20% in the first half of the year.


But the national production of durum wheat is sufficient to cover the needs of industries only for about 65%: the balance of foreign trade in durum wheat last year was negative by 627 million (+47.2% compared to 2018) and imported volumes reached 2.5 million tons. The same dynamics from January to April, when "the deficit reached about 242 million euro, worsening by 43% on a trend basis".


The trade surplus in 2019 exceeded the threshold of 1.7 billion (+6.7% on 2018). During the Covid emergency, growth was 32.5% to 733 million and exports reached 774 thousand tons (+28.3%). The perception of operators indicates a slowdown in exports for a few months, however, "shipments across borders for the whole of 2020 should grow further. In addition, the sector has paid less than others the closure of restaurants: of 50% of the production that goes to the domestic market, only 25% is destined to the horeca.


Source: "Il sole 24 ore".

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