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Made in Italy food, record exports: +13% in 2021

Made in Italy food exports will record an all-time high, with a 13% leap in 2021 and aiming at the historic figure of 50 billion euros ever recorded in the history of Italy. This is what emerges from the projections of Coldiretti on the basis of Istat data relating to foreign trade in the first seven months of 2021.

A result obtained - said Coldiretti - despite the difficulties of trade and the lockdown in all continents of the restaurant industry that has severely affected the Italian cuisine but also favored the return in all continents to the home preparation of meals with the boom of Made in Italy recipes.


The Covid health emergency - says Coldiretti - has caused a health turnaround in global consumers who have favored the choice of products in the cart allied to the well-being as those of the Mediterranean diet. And it is expected in the coming months - continues Coldiretti - the positive impact on foreign sales of sports victories that have given prestige to the image of Made in Italy.


Source: Corriere della Sera

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